Category: Fun! When These 100-Year-Old Best Friends Start Talking About Pop Culture, I Couldn’t Stop Cracking Up! Irene Cook and Alice Jensen met way back in 1918. Times have certainly changes since... Spunky 3rd Grade Class Puts On A Fantastic Show. Wait ‘Til You See The Classic They Re-Create! These talented boys on stage performed a dance to the song, and it couldn’t have... 20 Fruits & Veggies Having A Major Identity Crisis Check out these 20 fruits and veggies, that look like other things, for your daily... 30 Hysterical Family Photo Recreations Try to keep a straight face as you scroll through the following photos! 20 Family Members That Look Like Twins, But Are Actually Separated By Decades There are no two people on Earth who look exactly alike. Even identical twins have... Hilarious Newspaper Ad Placed By Man Looking For Wife In 1865 Is Going Viral. If you think online dating is a hard gig, try finding a significant other in... Precious Elderly Couple Busts Epic Dance Moves To Acoustic Version Of “Uptown Funk.” People were particularly enthralled by the husband’s fancy footwork and when you check out the... How Did We Live This Long Without Knowing About Dandelion Horns? Just when we honestly thought we knew everything there was to know about dandelions…