12 Happy Meal Toys That Are Actually Worth Money Now

4. Minion Toys

If you happen to have a complete set of minion toys – any set, really – they go for about $35 on ebay. Not too shabby! If your kids or grandkids are like every other kid who orders a Happy Meal and got excited about the toy for all of 5 minutes and then threw it somewhere in the backseat of the car, you might want to go digging around for it. Somebody is trying to sell a set of Minion toys for $398, so… clearly there is a market out there.

3. Furbies

Just in case the full-sized Furbies weren’t annoying and demonic enough for you and your family, McDonald’s made this extra creepy, all plastic and bulging eyes edition of Furby to haunt your dreams for all eternity. If you happen to still own a few of these and would understandably like to get rid of them, they actually are worth a lot of money. McDonald’s came out with 80 Furbies, for some unholy reason, and the entire set is selling on ebay for $300.

Click Next Page for more toys!

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