10 Weird Ways To Relieve Pain

No one likes to be in pain, but it’s worse when you feel like there is no end in sight and nothing you can do about it! If you’ve ever had a headache and no aspirin available, or a burn with no ointment around, you’ll appreciate these 10 quick fixes for alleviating all kinds of pain!

Apply Mustard For Burns And Rashes

Just a spoonful of mustard applied directly to the skin helps immediatly cool burned or irritated skin. This is due to the vasodilators in mustard, which increase blood flow to the injured area to help relieve soreness.

Rub Oatmeal On Your Hands For Arthritis Pain

Mix oatmeal, warm water, and honey into a paste and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. Then, rinse off with fresh water. This hot-cold treatment is helpful in alleviating pain and inflammation of the bones and joints. You should also be eating oatmeal on a regular basis as it helps strengthen and repair damaged bones and joints.

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